I had a pre-op appointment last Friday for minor outpatient surgery on Tuesday (everything is fine, nothing to panic over, it's all good). My goal was to 1. not pick up a virus from the doctor's office/hospital and 2. have the surgery. However, last Friday night, Monkey Boy got sick. Poor thing couldn't keep anything down and I kept the washer and dryer going constantly on Saturday. Thank you God that I have a washer and dryer and did not have to schlep everything to the laundrymat. I ship Anna off to her grandparents for the weekend so she doesn't get sick. Sunday arrives and now *I'm* sick so I laid around and only got up to move the laundry from the washer to the dryer. This is so not good. I don't want to reschedule my surgery and go through the pre-op appointments again.
Monday arrives and everyone seems to be back on the mend, my bug was a 24-hour variety and I'm feeling better. I pick up Monkey Boy from my in-laws and he is sick again. Oh no! He takes a long nap which does him a world of good.
Thank goodness Tuesday arrives, Monkey Boy is better, and I have my outpatient surgery. I want to give a shout out to the inventor of the motion sickness patch, I didn't get sick at all from the anesthesia thanks to wearing that patch behind my ear. The patch probably cost me $250 since they gave it to me at the hospital, but it was worth it!
So I have recovered, Monkey Boy is still monkeyish, Anna is thankfully still my low maintenance child, Tim is through with tax season, and I have only 4 weeks of school left. Life is good and I'm glad it's a new week!
Y'all have a great weekend!
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