Happy weekend everyone! Did you remember to turn your clocks ahead? We slept in late today, until past 8 (or was it 9?). It was wonderful but it's going to be a hard wake-up call tomorrow morning when we have to get up and go to school!

One of Tim's clients gave him a jar of raspberry jam she had canned. The jam is divine and I love the color of the raspberries, that is my favorite color actually. It reminded me of a photo where jellies are lined up on a windowsill and sparkling in the sunshine, like
here. My version is pictured above.

The jam tasted wonderful on biscuits and on a pb&j sandwich. It wasn't too sweet since some jams are more sugar than fruit! Delicious. I won't post a recipe since canning is way above my cooking expertise and I have no idea what recipe was used to make the jam since it was a gift. Do a Google search and pick a jam recipe that suits your fancy.
Have a wonderful day!
♥ Melissa ♥
That looks so yummy!!!
I do love homemade jams and jellies!
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