Monday, September 5, 2011

Happy Labor Day!

Happy Labor Day everyone! I hope you all are enjoying a nice day off from work, as I am. We hit the Goodwill this morning, everything was 50% off! Woot woot!

Kristen over at one of the fantastic blogs I follow, We Are THAT, posted this and in honor of Labor Day, here are the stats of my labor when I had my two munchkins.

How long were your labors?
#1 Anna 12 hours
#2 Camden 12 hours

How did you know you were in labor?
#1 induced 9 days early due to swelling up like a toad.
#2 Felt uncomfortable in general, I was 2 days overdue, water broke on its own.

Where did you deliver?
Hospital for both. With Camden, it was a larger hospital in the next town over and they had just opened up their newly built Birthplace with the swanky rooms, whirlpool tubs, etc. Very nice!

Oh yes!

No to both.

Who delivered?
#1 My OB
#2 Mid-wife who I LOVED. Such a gentler birth than #1.

How about you? What are your numbers?
[Did you adopt? (how long did you wait?) Not a mom yet (how long were your mom's numbers)?]

My mother-in-law was in labor on Labor Day when she had Tim! We celebrated Tim's birthday on Saturday and took a day trip to the always fabulous Dan Nicholas Park in Salisbury then went through the village of Gold Hill. Gold Hill used to be a mining town and it has since been restored with quaint shops, parks, and various events during the week, including a bluegrass jam session on Fridays. I highly recommend going there for those of you all who live in NC, it is southeast of Salisbury.

Have a great week!
XOXO, Melissa

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