I started a new job, I'm working in the Human Resources field again. It's local, the hours are during school hours, and I really like it! Substitute teaching showed me I didn't want to be a teacher full time. It was hard to leave my high school students but I am glad I am working more hours and also Monday through Friday.
Monkey Boy turned 6 (!!) and we had his party at the Sonic. We love having birthday parties there since hardly anyone is eating inside the restaurant so we have it to ourselves.
Since I started a new job, things were crazy to say the least so I scaled back my baking and goodie making. For teacher gifts I made chocolate covered almond clusters and bath salts. I also sent out New Year's cards instead of Christmas cards. Our Christmas photo session at Olan Mills was a bust since Monkey Boy was having NONE OF IT and we didn't get a usable photo. Plus it was too much of a push to get cards out before Christmas so I chose a new year's theme. We used CVS for our cards and I will be using them again!
We had a White Christmas here in NC! It was beautiful and the kids enjoyed sledding in it. Anna and Tim went snow tubing the day before in Jonas Ridge. If I can figure out how to put up a video, I will. It was COLD and WINDY that day so I'm impressed Anna even wanted to do it! Camden and I stayed in the lodge by the warm fire!
We're getting ready for Anna's birthday party, a glamour princess party. It will be a sleepover party, my MIL has graciously (crazily?) offered to host it.
2010 was a great year and here's to a fantastic 2011! Look for a "Best Of 2010" edition of this blog coming soon!
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