Saturday, July 26, 2008

Recipe of the Week

Peaches and Honey Sorbet

I got Tim an ice cream maker for Father's Day and we have really used it! BTW, Wal-Mart reduced their ice cream mixes and rock salt down to $1 per pack, we bought 12 packets last weekend! So we'll be eating homemade ice cream from now until Christmas (not that I'm complaining). I can highly recommend the strawberry and apple pie a la mode flavor.

I made a peaches and honey sorbet today since Monkey Boy has a slight allergy to milk products and there is no milk in this recipe. Makes about 1 qt. It is GREAT! Here ya' go:

5 fresh large peaches, peeled and chopped into small pieces
1/3 cup honey
1/4 cup sugar
1 tbl. lemon juice

PUREE peaches in blender/food processor to make 3 1/2 cups.

COMBINE puree and other ingredients in a large saucepan and cook on low until sugar dissolves. Cool and put in fridge.

FREEZE in ice cream maker according to directions. Pack into freezer containers and freeze until firm.


PS Here's what the mixes look like:
Rival brand ice cream mixes

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